The World of Chocolate: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Enjoying Chocolate (ISBN: 9781991093264)

The World of Chocolate: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Enjoying Chocolate (ISBN: 9781991093264)

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The World of Chocolate: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Enjoying Chocolate

140,00 RON
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Genul Carte de bucate, Gastronomie, Gătit, Limbi străine

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"Chocolate is a reminder that some of life's greatest pleasures come from simple things. " The World of Chocolate is the ultimate guide for those who love chocolate and want to learn more about this beloved treat. This comprehensive book covers everything from the history of chocolate to its production, different types, health benefits, cultural significance, and much more. The book begins with the history of chocolate, exploring its origins, rise in popularity, and the industrial revolution that transformed it into the treat we know and love today. It then dives into chocolate production, covering everything from cocoa beans to chocolate bars and the art of chocolate making. Readers will also learn about the different types of chocolate, including dark, milk, and white chocolate, as well as chocolate varieties by country. The book also covers the health benefits of chocolate, its cultural significance in art, literature, and religion, and the impact of cocoa farming on the environment. The World of Chocolate also provides insights into the chocolate business, innovation, and the latest chocolate trends. Readers will learn about chocolate tourism, the best places to experience chocolate, and chocolate festivals and events. In addition, the book includes chapters on chocolate desserts, chocolate pairing with wine and spirits, chocolate-inspired fashion, chocolate in sports nutrition, and much more. The book is filled with beautiful photos and illustrations and includes recipes and tips for enjoying chocolate at home. Whether you're a chocolate lover or just curious about this fascinating treat, The World of Chocolate is a must-read. It offers an in-depth exploration of chocolate that will delight and inform readers of all ages.

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