Voyagers II: Secrets of Amenti - Volume II of the Emerald Covenant Cdt Plate Translations Second Edition (ISBN: 9781893183254)

Voyagers II: Secrets of Amenti - Volume II of the Emerald Covenant Cdt Plate Translations Second Edition (ISBN: 9781893183254)

Voyagers II: Secrets of Amenti - Volume II of the Emerald Covenant Cdt Plate Translations Second Edition (ISBN: 9781893183254)

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Voyagers II: Secrets of Amenti - Volume II of the Emerald Covenant Cdt Plate Translations Second Edition

121,00 RON
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The most authoritative text available on the purposes, processes and mechanics of human evolution, preparation for the monumental events that will occur between 2000-2017, humanity's true origins and evolutionary destiny and the hidden purposes for the New Age Movement. Detailed information on Keylontic Morphogenetic Science, time mechanics, interdimensional planetary evolution, the science of Dimensional Ascension, integration of multi-dimensional identity, DNA mechanics and accelerated biological and spiritual evolution. Introduces a comprehensive model of 15-dimensional universal physics and the corresponding 15 Primary Chakra System and 12-strand DNA Silicate Matrix gene code. Discover the secrets of humanity's evolutionary destiny that have been hidden within our ancient, traditional and New Age sacred mystical and religious teachings.

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