Understanding Anatomy Physiology: A Visual, Auditory, Interactive Approach (ISBN: 9780803676459)

Understanding Anatomy Physiology: A Visual, Auditory, Interactive Approach (ISBN: 9780803676459)

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Understanding Anatomy Physiology: A Visual, Auditory, Interactive Approach

622,00 RON
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Genul Limbi străine, Medicina

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How do you learn A P best? Whatever your learning style... by reading, listening, or doing, or a little bit of each... the 3rd Edition of this new approach to anatomy physiology is designed just for you. Tackle a tough subject in bite-sized pieces. A seemingly huge volume of information is organized into manageable sections to make complex concepts easy to understand and remember. You begin with an overview of the body, including its chemical and cellular structures, then progress to one-of-a-kind portrayals of each body system, grouped by function. Full-color illustrations, figures, sidebars, helpful hints, and easy-to-read descriptions make information crystal clear. Each unique page spread provides an entire unit of understanding, breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-grasp sections for today's learner. "The integration of graphics and text is very engaging for learners. Thompson silences the academic distractions found in traditional A P textbooks and emphasizes all the 'take away points' in a concise and informative manner. The task of learning A P is now less threatening. " --Jason Johnson, Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology " My students absolutely love the Thompson A P book. It is concise and makes learning the material seem less daunting. It really hits all learning styles with the pictures, videos, text and workbook. I have seen a significant increase in student success since we implemented this book!" --Shayna Turner RN, MS, Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing "The numerous graphics are vivid and relevant allowing the student to focus on the concept rather than multiple paragraphs of reading. The "Life Lesson" inserts further engage the student by placing covered concepts into real-world situations. Understanding Anatomy Physiology is both instructor and student friendly. " -- Nanette Mosser, RMA, BA-HCM, MedQuest College

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