The Well-Spoken Thesaurus - Tom Heehler (ISBN: 9781402243059)

The Well-Spoken Thesaurus - Tom Heehler (ISBN: 9781402243059)

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The Well-Spoken Thesaurus - Tom Heehler

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The Well-Spoken Thesaurus: The Most Powerful Ways to Say Everyday Words and Phrases

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Autor Tom Heehler
Genul Ghiduri, Limbi străine

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The Well-Spoken Thesaurus is designed to help you improve your communication skills by expanding your vocabulary. The book includes over 200 words, arranged in easy-to-use categories, such as "positive emotions, " "negative emotions, " "intellectual terms, " and "descriptive terms. " Each entry includes a definition, synonyms, antonyms, and usage examples. The Well-Spoken Thesaurus is particularly useful for writers who want to improve the precision and impact of their language. By providing a range of synonyms for common words and phrases, the book helps writers avoid repetition and clichés, while also encouraging them to use language that is more vivid, specific, and memorable. Some of the benefits of using The Well-Spoken Thesaurus include: Making a stronger impression: By choosing words that are more precise and impactful, you can help your writing stand out from the crowd and make a stronger impression. Demonstrating your communication skills: Using a wide range of vocabulary can demonstrate that you are articulate, sophisticated, and able to communicate effectively. Conveying your personality: Includes a range of descriptive terms that can help you convey your personality and character traits in your writingOverall, The Well-Spoken Thesaurus can be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their writing and communication skills.

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