The Tractor Who Wants To Fall Asleep: A New Way of Getting Children to Sleep (ISBN: 9789188375728)

The Tractor Who Wants To Fall Asleep: A New Way of Getting Children to Sleep (ISBN: 9789188375728)

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The Tractor Who Wants To Fall Asleep: A New Way of Getting Children to Sleep

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The Tractor Who Wants To Fall Asleep: A New Way of Getting Children to Sleep (Forssn Ehrlin Carl-Johan)

103,20 RON
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Descrierea produsului
Do you struggle to get your child to sleep? Join millions of parents all over the world and embrace a bedtime routine that will help your child to relax and fall fast asleep. Let your child be lulled to sleep with Alex the Tractor in a sleep-inducing ride around the farm. Along the way they meet Yawning Carrot, Half-Asleep Leon, Sleeping Apples and other friends, who tell them what they do to fall asleep at night. Your child will have a soothing and relaxing experience and can fall asleep quickly - at naptime and bedtime. The Tractor Who Wants to Fall Asleep is the third book in the bestselling, sleep-inducing series that makes children fall asleep around the world - parents say it s almost like magic!The author Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin uses innovative techniques that have been approved by parents and psychologists. A sequel to the groundbreaking bestseller The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep, with over 2.3 million copies sold worldwide.

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