The Legend of Korra: The Art of the Animated Series--Book Three: Change (Second Edition) (Deluxe Edition) - Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko (ISBN: 9781506721927)

The Legend of Korra: The Art of the Animated Series--Book Three: Change (Second Edition) (Deluxe Edition) - Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko (ISBN: 9781506721927)

The Legend of Korra: The Art of the Animated Series--Book Three: Change (Second Edition) (Deluxe Edition) - Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko (ISBN: 9781506721927)

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The Legend of Korra: The Art of the Animated Series--Book Three: Change (Second Edition) (Deluxe Edition) - Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko

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Autor Bryan Konietzko, Michael Dante DiMartino

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Limba: engleză, Legare: Copertă tare, Număr pagini: 192, Editura: Dark Horse Comics, Autor: Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko, ISBN-13: 9781506721927, Data emiterii: 2022

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