The Handbook Of Psychic Cold Reading (ISBN: 9780578044644)

The Handbook Of Psychic Cold Reading (ISBN: 9780578044644)

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Handbook Of Psychic Cold Reading - Dantalion Jones

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The Handbook of Psychic Cold Reading

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The Handbook Of Psychic Cold Reading (Jones Dantalion)

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Descrierea produsului
Autor Dantalion Jones
Genul Limbi străine, Religie

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Believe it or not you don't have to be psychic to "be Psychic". The art of psychic cold reading will help psychics and non-psychics alike to improve their communication skills, connect more deeply with others, meet interesting people and make some good income giving people a real service they value. This is a great way to meet people... attractive people (hint, hint), capture their attention and have great fun. It's also a fun way to earn money. You will also be shown how conducting Psychic Readings is the perfect sideline business to generate even more clients and profits for NLP'ers, Hypnotherapy Practitioner's, Hypnosis Consultants and Complete Mind Therapists, indeed this is a must study course for all students of Psychology!

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