The Girl from the Attic (ISBN: 9781988761510)

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The Girl from the Attic

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To find a place in her family, Maddy must travel through time to get there. Maddy Rose lives in two worlds. A hundred years apart. In the same strange house built in the shape of an octagon. When a mysterious black cat leads her into an unknown attic, she meets Clare and his very sick sister Eva. Together Maddy and Clare jump into a money-making scheme in his uncle's dangerous soap factory to buy a cure for Eva. But an unexpected tragedy befalls them. And then Maddy is pulled back into her own time to confront the premature birth of her own sister. Will Maddy be able to deal with hardships of two lives? Will the skills she learned in the past help her solve the problems of the present? Can the strange shape of the house make a difference? Reminiscent of Janet Lunn's The Root Cellar, The Girl from the Attic shows the challenges of growing up and finding one's place in the world. Uncommon elements give this time-travel novel a charming spin. Kirkus Reviews

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