Teaching strategies to promote oral production in FLE (ISBN: 9786206105152)

Teaching strategies to promote oral production in FLE (ISBN: 9786206105152)

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Teaching strategies to promote oral production in FLE

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Getting learners to speak spontaneously and naturally has always posed difficulties for teachers who try to apply a variety of teaching strategies so that learners can develop their ability to express themselves in a foreign language. Given the importance of this problem, we decided to carry out a study aimed at identifying and analyzing the strategies used by A1-level teachers at the Alliance Française de Xalapa to encourage oral production in their learners. To accomplish this task, we used two research instruments: semi-directive interviews and lesson observation. The aim of our work is therefore to present the results of a qualitative analysis based on the use of teaching strategies, resulting in a repertoire of the teaching strategies most frequently used by the teachers observed.

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