Recreational Therapy for Specific Diagnoses and Conditions (ISBN: 9781882883967)

Recreational Therapy for Specific Diagnoses and Conditions (ISBN: 9781882883967)

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Recreational Therapy for Specific Diagnoses and Conditions

831,00 RON
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Genul Limbi străine, Medicina

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Recreational Therapy for Specific Diagnoses and Conditions offers detailed descriptions of 39 diagnoses and conditions that are treated by recreational therapists. Each diagnosis chapter has a description of the diagnosis or condition, including the incidence or prevalence and the ages most affected. This is followed by the causes of the condition; social, emotional, and bodily systems affected; secondary problems that may be found; and information about the patient's prognosis. The next section of the chapter is devoted to the assessment process for the whole treatment team and, in more detail, what the recreational therapist must do to assess the status of the patient. Specific assessment tools and connections to the categories of the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health are provided.

Prețurile și informațiile de pe paginile noastre sunt furnizate de magazinele partenere și au caracter informativ, unele erori pot apărea. Imaginile produselor au caracter informativ, uneori pot include niște accesorii care nu sunt mereu incluse în pachetul de baza. Informațiile aferente produsului (imagine, descriere, preț) se pot schimba fără notificare prealabilă. nu își asumă responsabilitate pentru eventualele greșeli.