Quantum Progression: The Art Science of Career Advancement in the Age of A. I (ISBN: 9798218269753)

Quantum Progression: The Art Science of Career Advancement in the Age of A. I (ISBN: 9798218269753)

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Quantum Progression: The Art Science of Career Advancement in the Age of A. I

211,00 RON
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Genul Limbi străine, Tehnică de calcul

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Artificial Intelligence is rapidly altering the workforce landscape by redefining what it means to be qualified for a specific job. Very soon, it will redefine what it means to be employable. Now is the time for everyone - Entry-Level through C-Level - to learn how to ensure your ability to progress in your career in the age of A. I. In Quantum Progression: The Art Science of Career Advancement in the Age of A. I. , Valerie Capers Workman - former VP, People at Tesla (where she was known as "Tesla's Top Diversity Advocate") recounts her career progression while detailing the methods she used to advance in her career in defiance of the archaic rung-by-rung, corporate ladder method of career mobility. As evidenced by career moves showcasing Valerie's ability to make strategic progress based on skill acquisition, cross-functional teamwork, and the transferability of excellence, Valerie's career demonstrates how she consistently emerges as a top-tier performer, leader, and mentor in each role that she pursues and acquires. During her time at Tesla, Valerie observed that she had developed a repeatable method for advancement that could be followed by anyone, in any role, at any level. The career progression methods she used that were ahead of their time are just in time for this new employment paradigm. Now, she wants to teach her methods to you. If you want to ensure your continued career advancement in the age of A. I. , Quantum Progression is the GPS for navigating the future of work.

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