Neuroplasticity: Simple Strategies to Better Manage Your Life (ISBN: 9781774852521)

Neuroplasticity: Simple Strategies to Better Manage Your Life (ISBN: 9781774852521)

Neuroplasticity: Simple Strategies to Better Manage Your Life (ISBN: 9781774852521)


Neuroplasticity: Simple Strategies to Better Manage Your Life (How to Boost Neurogenesis and Rewire Your Brain With Light) - "" ("Smith Susan")

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Genul Limbi străine, Medicina

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This book undertakes to accomplish three tasks in bringing the world of neuroplasticity to the everyday reader and to his or her idea of improving it in a way they see fit. It shows the reader that each person has the ability to alter and adjust the shape and resistance of his or her own mind. This is powerful information because when you alter the shape of the mind, you are essentially changing your destiny. Here is a preview of what you'll learn... - Boost neurogenesis- Improve brain circulation- Boost mitochondria- Reduce neuroinflammation- Promote the formation of new brain synapses- Improve sleep (and optimize cyrcadian rhythm)- Increase vitamin d without supplements- Become the best version of yourself- Much, muchmore!Everyone tries to get rid of the negativity affecting our life in every9781526143303

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