Metaphysical Anatomy - Evette Rose (ISBN: 9781482315820)

Metaphysical Anatomy - Evette Rose (ISBN: 9781482315820)

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Metaphysical Anatomy - Evette Rose

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Metaphysical Anatomy: Your Body Is Talking, Are You Listening?

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Autor Evette Rose
Genul Limbi străine

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Volume 1 is Psychosomatics of Adults. Psychosomatics of Children Volume 3 has finally been released! This book is for everyone! Volume 1, Version 14 has been reformatted to reduce the page count to help support the book's spine. The content remains the same; however, we did adjust the spacing. For Volume 1: In this 1.5 KG, 7 x 10 inches, 680-page book AND 722 medical conditions for adults, you will: Understand the causes of emotional, mental, and physical ailments that stem from your ancestry, conception, birth, and childhood. Under each disease, you will find emotional components and accurate vital points guiding you to effective alternative ways to heal and how to find core issues. The book also asks reflective questions to support you in diving deeper into your psychosomatic journey. In Metaphysical Anatomy, I wrote about diseases from A to Z, the emotional components related to those diseases, and important points regarding how to approach the condition to improve one's quality of life. Metaphysical Anatomy includes a step-by-step guide for identifying the psychosomatic pattern related to medical conditions. These conditions can be activated by circumstances in your present life, ancestry, conception, womb, birth trauma, childhood, or adult life. It builds on existing work from many famous authors, making it much more practical, specific, detailed, and ultimately much more effective! This book is equally valuable for experienced alternative practitioners and those interested in self-healing. You will love this book and the Metaphysical Anatomy Healing Technique MAT. Join our Trauma Decoded - Unveiling Hidden Messages 1-day Workshop and learn how to read psychosomatic messages of the body! www. matbodyworkshop. comSo, do you think you understand the language of your body? Think again!For more information, you can visit www. metaphysicalanatomy. comFollow me on Instagram evetteroseofficial

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