Jesus Calling Bible Storybook (2012)

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Jesus Calling Bible Storybook

136,00 RON
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Limba Engleză
Număr pagini 256
Greutate 885

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Nothing in heaven or on earth can stop Me from loving you. Jesus is calling out to our hearts, and you can hear His voice in every story in the Bible. These carefully selected stories are paired with new children's devotions from Sarah Young and will help young hearts understand God's grand plan to send His Son, Jesus, to save His children and prepare a place for us in heaven. Bestselling author Sarah Young has touched millions of lives through her devotionals based on Scripture and written as though Jesus is speaking directly to the reader. This book will lead God's children, young and old, to talk to Jesus through prayer and to listen to His voice speaking love to their hearts. Meets national education standards.

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