Giant Days Vol. 1 1 (ISBN: 9781608867899)

Giant Days Vol. 1 1 (ISBN: 9781608867899)

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Giant Days Vol. 1 - John Allison, Lissa Treiman

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Descrierea produsului
Autor John Allison, Lissa Treiman
Genul Grafica, design

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Susan, Esther, and Daisy started at university three weeks ago and became fast friends. Now, away from home for the first time, all three want to reinvent themselves. But in the face of hand-wringing boys, "personal experimentation, " influenza, mystery-mold, nu-chauvinism, and the willful, unwanted intrusion of "academia, " they may be lucky just to make it to spring alive. Going off to university is always a time of change and growth, but for Esther, Susan, and Daisy, things are about to get a little weird. Giant Days Volume 1, created and written by longtime webcomic creator John Allison (Bad Machinery, Scary Go Round) and Disney artist Lissa Treiman collects the first four issues of the critically-acclaimed series from BOOM! Box.

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