For God Country: 12 Stories on Faith and American History (ISBN: 9781589974746)

For God Country: 12 Stories on Faith and American History (ISBN: 9781589974746)

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For God Country: 12 Stories on Faith and American History

179,00 RON
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American history is one thrilling encounter after another when you experience these 12 timeless Adventures in Odyssey episodes! You'll join Paul Revere on his famous midnight ride... meet President Abraham Lincoln as the United States is being torn in two... escape with runaway slaves on the secret Underground Railroad... and witness how "The Star-Spangled Banner" was composed on a battlefield by dawn's early light. EPISODE LISTING The Day Independence Came (Story of George Washington) The Midnight Ride (Story of Paul Revere) The American Revelation, Parts 1 2 (the Revolutionary War) By Dawn's Early Light (How the National Anthem was written) Lincoln, Part 1 2 (Life of Abraham Lincoln) The Underground Railroad, Parts 1, 2 3 (Heroic Slave Families during the Civil War) Arizona Sunrise (Native American Story from the Old West) East Winds, Raining (Bombing of Pearl Harbor)

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