Food Truck Options and Preferences in Hermosillo (ISBN: 9786205979624)

Food Truck Options and Preferences in Hermosillo (ISBN: 9786205979624)

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Food Truck Options and Preferences in Hermosillo

565,00 RON
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Genul Afacere, Economie, Limbi străine

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The Street Food movement has encouraged the development of Food Tucks, which take advantage of the tremendous potential of this type of food (and drink) on wheels. A very clear example, which is having great acceptance, is the case of the " Food TruckParks". The initiative comes from private capital, from entrepreneurs or investors, who have or get a piece of land, which in many cases, belongs to individuals (which facilitates the work and permits) and that they adapt as a space prepared to accommodate Food Trucks. The concept of mobile food(Food Trucks) attracts a growing number of consumers every day, offering a wide variety of options for all tastes. The ease of offering your products in a means of transportation makes it easier for the food offerings to always be close to your customers. In Mexico, the trend arrived approximately a decade ago, but it was not until 2014 when they reached an explosive development with trucks of wings, burgers, paninis, ribs and salads.

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