Food Storage for Self-Sufficency and Survival - Angela Paskett (ISBN: 9781440333538)

Food Storage for Self-Sufficency and Survival - Angela Paskett (ISBN: 9781440333538)

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Food Storage for Self-Sufficency and Survival - Angela Paskett

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Descrierea produsului
Autor Angela Paskett
Genul Ghiduri, Limbi străine

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Be Well Prepared and Well Fed! With all the uncertainty in the world today, there is peace in preparing. In an emergency, you don't want to depend on a grocery store or government agency to feed your family. Storing food assures your family's self-sufficiency year-round and benefits your budget when you plan correctly. This in-depth, nuts-and-bolts guide to storing food teaches you a variety of food storage methods that you can customize to meet your family's unique circumstances including family size, tastes, ages, health concerns, income, and living conditions. This is not a generic manual on stocking dehydrated meals that have ten-year shelf lives. It's the guide to storing foods your family loves so you can eat well no matter what challenges life throws at you. Inside you'll find: - Food-storage options for 72-hour emergency kits, short-term emergencies and long-term survival. - Food-storage planning methods that incorporate the foods and meals your family loves. - Tips for how to maintain balance and variety in your food storage. - Budget-friendly ways to purchase food for storage. - Easy and practical ideas for cooking with food in storage so nothing expires or goes to waste. - Organization and storage methods for easy food store maintenance. - Water storage and purification methods. - Canning, freezing and dehydrating methods to preserve food you produce at home. Storing food gives you the freedom to stretch your income in tight-budget months, pack quick meals for short-notice trips, and create healthy meals without constantly going to the grocery store. Plus your stored food is available if you do experience an emergency power outage, natural disaster, long-term illness or job loss. Let this guide help you start building your self-sufficiency and food storage today.

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