Falling into Grace - Adyashanti (2013)

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Falling into Grace - Adyashanti

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Falling Into Grace: Insights on the End of Suffering

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Descrierea produsului
Autor Adyashanti
Genul Limbi străine
Număr pagini 234
Greutate 249

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Adyashanti asks us to let go of our struggles with life and open to the full promise of spiritual awakening: the end of delusion and the discovery of our essential being. In his 15 years as a spiritual teacher, Adyashanti has found that the simpler the teaching, the greater its power to change our lives. In Falling into Grace, he shares what he considers fundamental insights that will "... spark a revolution in the way we perceive life". Available in CD or book format, here is a progressive inquiry exploring: The human dilemma--the concept of a separate self and the choice to stop believing the thoughts that perpetuate suffering- "Taking the backward step" into the pure potential of the present moment- Why spiritual awakening can be a disturbing process- Intimacy and availability--feeling absolute union with every part of our experience- True autonomy--the unique expression of our own sense of freedomIn the same way that we fall into the arms of a loved one or drop our heads on the pillow at night, we can surrender into the beauty and truth of who and what we really are. Falling into Grace is an investigation into the core of why we suffer. It's also Adyashanti's invitation "... to be taken by a moment of grace and fall into a sense of life when it is not separate from you, when life is actually an expression of something indefinable, mysterious, and immense. "

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