Le impronte primarie per edentulia completa sono una fase cruciale nella progettazione di protesi co...
Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide, Ninth Edition helps readers develop a fundamental knowledge of the medical terminology necessary for a career in any healthcare setting. The...
A foundational book for use from the classroom to fieldwork and throughout practice, Willard & Spackman's Occupational Therapy, 14th Edition , remains the must-have resource for...
Das Hauptziel der Forschung ist die Entwicklung eines aktiven thiol-substituierten Oxadiazol-Inhibit...
The neurological examination is an assessment tool to determine a patient's neurologic function. It...
#1056; #1072; #1082; #1084; #1086; #1083; #1086; #1095; #1085; #1086; #1081; #1078; #1077; #1083;...
The Lord God Made Them All is the bestselling sequel to All Things Wise and Wonderful and the fourth volume in James Herriot's classic collections of animal stories--the basis for...
Les antibiotiques peuvent-ils...
Le banconote - l'oggetto pi...
A riveting exploration of the most difficult and important part of what doctors do, by Yale School of Medicine physician Dr. Lisa Sanders, author of the monthly New York Times Magazine...
The intersection of deep learning and healthcare has ushered in a new era of possibilities, transfor...
Une empreinte digitale est une impression laiss...
Dieses Buch ist eine Arbeit, die darauf abzielt, anatomische Variationen von Sudanesen mit Hilfe der...
The research topic "Pharmacological Characteristics of Phytodiabetol" is dedicated to the study of a...
This study is justified by the fact that Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic progressive disease th...
#1056; #1072; #1089; #1090; #1091; #1097; #1080; #1081; #1089; #1087; #1088; #1086; #1089; #1085;...
Prețurile și informațiile de pe paginile noastre sunt furnizate de magazinele partenere și au caracter informativ, unele erori pot apărea. Imaginile produselor au caracter informativ, uneori pot include niște accesorii care nu sunt mereu incluse în pachetul de baza. Informațiile aferente produsului (imagine, descriere, preț) se pot schimba fără notificare prealabilă. Compari.ro nu își asumă responsabilitate pentru eventualele greșeli.