"Thresholds of Wonder: A Celebration of Possibility" follows Alex and their companions on a gripp...
p The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery unfolds as a beguiling tale of personal transformation, esc...
p Embark on a riveting journey through the labyrinth of financial triumph in The Prosperity Puzzle...
A beautiful new Deluxe Edition of Alcott's beloved novel, with a foreword by National Book Award-winning author and musician Patti Smith. Nominated as one of America's most-loved novels...
p strong Demian is a psychological masterpiece of modern literature. /strong This novel explores...
amp;#26174; amp;#31034; amp;#20840; amp;#37096; amp;#20449; amp;#24687; /p p amp;#20869; amp;#23481; amp;#31616; amp;#20171; /p p amp;#326...
p amp;#20869; amp;#23481; amp;#31616; amp;#20171; /p p amp;#20320; amp;#22823; amp;#27010; amp;#24050; amp;#32463; amp;#30693; amp;#36947; amp;#...
The Bridge on the Drina is a vivid depiction of the suffering history has imposed upon the people of Bosnia from the late 16th century to the beginning of World War I. As we seek to...
**Dreams Realized** follows Vincent Harrington and Julia Marks as they navigate a high-stakes bat...
p In em The Practice of the Presence of God /em , Brother Lawrence offers timeless wisdom on culti...
Roland Whately: A Novel, a classical and rare book that has been considered essential throughout hum...
Selected and Edited with an Introduction and Notes by David Blair, University of Kent at Canterbury. Late in the eighteenth century authors began to write 'Gothic' stories as a way...
### The Opportunity Seekers: Chronicles of AmbitionWhen a diverse group of indi...
Diplomat and bibliophile Joannes Gennadius donated his personal library to the American School of Cl...
The Splendid Spur, a classical book, was published more than a century ago and has been considered i...
A bold mix of realism, allegory, adventure, and progressive politics, this collection features Jack London's most profound and moving literary works The Call of the Wild, London's elemental...
During the summer of 1839, Queen Victoria heard of a soon-to-be-published novel, which was going to...
When the novel Brave New World first appeared in 1932, its shocking analysis of a scientific dictatorship seemed a projection into the remote future. Here, in one of the most important...
Stories by English Authors: London, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the h...
Ruth Erskine's Son, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout th...
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