Art Of. . . Pernille (ISBN: 9781912843152)

Art Of. . . Pernille (ISBN: 9781912843152)

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Art of Pernille Orum - Pernille Orum, Publishing 3dtotal

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Art Of. . . Pernille

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Descrierea produsului
Autor Pernille Orum
Genul Artă, Limbi străine

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Delve inside this beautifully presented artist showcase filled with the works and useful advice from popular visual artist Pernille Orum. Pernille is well known and respected in the animation industry, having worked for clients such as Disney Publishing, Nickelodeon Jr. , Mattel, DreamWorks, and she was the Lead Character Designer on Warner Brothers' DC Superhero Girls. In this colorful and vibrant, hardback art book, Pernille shares her artwork over the years, starting with some of her earliest drawings; sharing her progression through various forms of education. She also shares her workspace and favorite tools, and offers an abundance of advice to anyone wishing to break into the animation industry themselves - with tutorials on useful business concerns such as how to approach a character design, and a detailed look at the processes she uses for creating her bright, edgy drawings. With the combined content of Pernille's best works, including art that she has created especially for the book; career advice and tutorials; and a foreword from Disney Legend, John Musker (Co-Director of Moana, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid) this is undoubtedly a book that any budding animator or artist should reserve space on their bookshelf for.

Prețurile și informațiile de pe paginile noastre sunt furnizate de magazinele partenere și au caracter informativ, unele erori pot apărea. Imaginile produselor au caracter informativ, uneori pot include niște accesorii care nu sunt mereu incluse în pachetul de baza. Informațiile aferente produsului (imagine, descriere, preț) se pot schimba fără notificare prealabilă. nu își asumă responsabilitate pentru eventualele greșeli.