ABCs of Buying Rental Property (ISBN: 9781947588127)

ABCs of Buying Rental Property (ISBN: 9781947588127)

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ABCs of Buying Rental Property

112,00 RON
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ABCs of Buying Rental Property: How You Can Achieve Financial Freedom in Five Years

159,00 RON
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Genul Afacere, Economie, Limbi străine

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Many Americans dream of financial freedom, but they're stuck in dead-end jobs and don't know how to get there. You don't need to be one of them. If you invested $35,000 in the stock market today, it could take 52 years for that investment to grow to $1 million. But if you invested that same amount into one single-family $140,000 rental property, it would only take 19 years. With just two rental properties, you could generate $417,000 in profit in just 10 years. Skeptical? Good, because that's the first sign of a smart investor. This book will tackle that skepticism head-on... and give you confidence and a path to financial freedom. THIS BOOK WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO: Secure your investment moneyFind your ideal market-and a positive-cash-flow property Efficiently manage your property Handle your record keeping Boost revenues and cut costs File your taxes using a step-by-step process Build your real estate portfolio

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